Interactive Maps in R

Creating interactive maps with the Plotly package

November 06, 2022 · 3 mins read

Loading in our libraries


Reading in our data

states = read_csv("states.csv")

minwage_df = read_csv("Minimum Wage Data.csv") %>%
  inner_join(states, by.x = State, by.x = state) %>%
  select(Year, State, Code, Wage = High.Value) %>%
  mutate(hover = paste0(State, "\n$", Wage))

Setting graph properties

graph_properties <- list(
  scope = 'usa',
  showland = TRUE,
  landcolor = toRGB("white"),
  color = toRGB("white")

font = list(
  family = "DM Sans",
  size = 15,
  color = "black"

label = list(
  bgcolor = "#EEEEEE",
  bordercolor = "transparent",
  font = font

Making our map

minwage_graph = plot_geo(minwage_df, 
                         locationmode = "USA-states", 
                         frame = ~Year) %>%
  add_trace(locations = ~Code,
            z = ~Wage,
            zmin = 0,
            zmax = max(minwage_df$Wage),
            color = ~Wage,
            colorscale = "Electric",
            text = ~hover,
            hoverinfo = 'text') %>%
  layout(geo = graph_properties,
         title = "Minimum Wage in the US\n1968 - 2017",
         font = list(family = "DM Sans")) %>%
  config(displayModeBar = FALSE) %>%
  style(hoverlabel = label) %>%
  colorbar(tickprefix = '$')